Interior design of nursery

Interior design of nursery

Nursery decor is a pastel interior color scheme that has a calming effect, giving children a sense of security. Aesthetics are important in the Nursery decor, which consists of well-positioned furniture, collected and displayed teaching aids, artwork, good sunlight and lighting. The decorations in the Nursery are changed very often, according to the calendar of the little ones’ life in the institution, depending on the time of year, holidays and special occasions.

An additional decorative element is the children’s gallery located in the lobby. The little ones’ works are varied in form and expression, they are made with various techniques, they arouse great interest among parents. The rooms are equipped with furniture according to the standards and criteria recommended by Sanepid. Toys and teaching aids are all in easy reach. When creating wall decorations, we are guided by the current season of the year and the subject of educational situations so that they apply to and affect the continuous development of the child.

Teaching aids, natural materials and recyclable materials are purchased and obtained and used to develop various individual interests of children. Our children are also co-creators of the interior decoration, their works are aesthetically framed and decorate rooms, corridors and boards for parents. By creating such decor, an atmosphere of homely warmth has been created, in which children feel safe and at ease as they develop their interests, abilities, as well as mobility and manual skills. The games room is systematically enriched with various interesting aids for games and exercises.